Monday, November 23, 2009

The Center of the Debate

The Plain Dealer is reporting on how Ohio has become a leader in a new practice for executing death row inmates. Those subjected to the death penalty will now be killed by a single injection. The irony of finding more and more "humane" ways of killing people really bothers me. I understand that it is a controversial topic, but as far as I am concerned, governments should not have the right to take human life, even in the cases of our most serious criminals. The death penalty is pure vengeance, not justice. That is one of the reasons that I support Jennifer Brunner for the United States Senate.

Regardless of how you feel personally on the issue, you have to admire her courage for standing up for what she believes in. Contrast that with Lee Fisher, who was opposed to the death penalty when he represented Shaker Heights as a state legislator, but then supported it when he ran for Attorney General.



  1. The Fish has been known to flip flop on many issues.

  2. its true the man really ought to make up his mind if he wants to be our senator

  3. As Ohio's Attorney General, Fisher had a legal duty to represent the State of Ohio and defend its laws and policies.
