Thursday, November 12, 2009

Brunner and Fisher are dead even

A new Quinnipiac poll out today proves yet again that the race for the Democratic nomination is neck and neck, and Jennifer Brunner has all of the momentum. Democratic voters favor Lee Fisher by a statistically insignificant margin, 24%-22%. The poll also shows both candidates doing equally well against Rob Portman.

Democratic leaders continue to call upon Brunner to drop out of the race because she has not raised as much money as Fisher. But why should she when the race is still neck and neck? Obviously there are still many voters undecided, and Fisher will have an advantage in reaching out to them if he has more money to spend. But the point is this: right now, they are even, with Brunner actually gaining on Fisher, and this race is a long way from being over. The pundits would be wise to start treating this like a closely contested race, because that is what it is.

Update: From the Plain Dealer:
In fact, the new Quinnipiac poll shows Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner
gaining on Fisher. She gets 22 percent, he gets 24, in a fanciful matchup today.



  1. good news for brunner, better news for portman, who beats them both.

  2. portman's lead is too small to mean anything. the real story is the brunner comeback.

  3. Just wait until the Fish starts spending that cash.
